Announcing a New Service: Wedding Replanner for the COVID Pandemic

Fellow humans, how are you in these COVID times? Sitting shelter-in-place in our finest WFH leggings, we thought: surely there is more that we can offer for folks that are truly experiencing some hair-tearing moments. We’re launching a new service to help those in need of quick, experienced counsel: Wedding Replanner. We know not everyone has a planner in their pocket during this pandemic, so we offer this package for professional planner advice to supplement the exhaustive research you’ve already done.

For the next month (update: now until December 31, 2020!) we’ll be offering 45-minute telephone consultations for $75 (typically $150!) M-F, 9-5 PST. We’re also offering post-work and weekend appointment slots; just e-mail us at and we can discuss further. Simply click on the link in our bio under “BOOK IT: Wedding Replanner” to get started.

Unsure how to move forward? Crazed with contract re-negotiations with vendors? We’re here for all of it, and for you.

Rescheduling for the second time?

Stuck in vendor re-negotation?

Radio silence from your venue?

Need to re-think your event design now that your spring wedding is going fall?

Take a breath, and take some action today by booking an appointment with us.